Installing Pearson OnVue on CBC laptops

1. Sign into to the proctor website such as

2. Download and run OnVue.

3. In the system test, you will get an error saying that alertusdesktopservice cannot be active when using OnVue. When this happens, you need to stop the alertusdesktopservice.

4. Right click on taskbar (on the bottom) and a new menu shows up.

5. Click on Task Manager

6. Task Manager should open. Click on “More details”

7. You should be in the Processes tab. Scroll down this menu until you see a two processes called “AlertusService” and “Alertus Desktop Alert”.

Click on one process and click on “End task.” Do this for any remaining Alertus processes.

8. When done, close the task manager.

9. Click on OK on the BrowserLock prompt

This should bypass the locks so students can use the OnVue laptops

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