Overtime Eligible Classified - How to Enter Elapsed Time


Purpose: Use this guide for submission of “time worked” for Overtime-Eligible Classified Staff in ctcLink.
Audience: Overtime-Eligible Classified Staff

Navigation: Employee Self Service (homepage) > Time (tile/homepage) > Enter Time (tile)


Purpose:  Use this guide for submission of “time worked” for Overtime-Eligible Classified Staff in ctcLink.

Audience: Overtime-Eligible Classified Staff

Note: There are no longer prepopulated schedules as there were with TLR for classified staff.  

To enter time worked, the navigation in ctcLink is:  Employee Self Service (homepage) > Time (tile/homepage)

  1. The Time homepage displays.
  2. Select the Enter Time tile

  1. The Enter Time page displays.
  2. There is a View Legend link at the top of the page that gives additional details about information that can be seen on the screen.
  3. Select a Time Reporting Code (TRC) from the drop-down on the left.
  4. Enter the number of hours worked on the day selected. (Partial hours must be represented in the decimal, for instance eight hours and 45 minutes would be 8.75).
  5. Choose the arrows at the top to move to another week in the pay period, and enter hours worked for that week.
  6. Select Submit and OK.

  1. If an additional Time Reporting Code (TRC) was worked in the period:
    • Select the (+) on the right-hand side of the screen to add a row.
    • Select the new TRC from the drop-down on the left.
    • Enter the number of hours worked on the new TRC.
    • Select Submit and OK.
  2. If Comp Time was earned in the period:
    • Select the (+) on the right-hand side of the screen to add a row.
    • Select CTE from the TRC drop-down on the left.
    • Enter the number of hours to accrue under CTE.
    • Select Submit and OK.
  3. If Comp Time was taken in the period:
    • Select the (+) on the right-hand side of the screen to add a row.
    • Select CMP from the TRC drop-down on the left.
    • Enter the number of hours used under CMP.
    • Select Submit and OK.
  4. If time needs to be changed:
    • Enter a new hour value under the relevant day.
    • Select Submit and OK.
  5. If a TRC needs to be removed from the timesheet:
    • Select the (-) on the right-hand side of the screen to remove a row.
    • The system will prompt a question, select either Yes Delete or No Do Not Delete.
    • If Yes Delete was chosen and the employee wishes to finalize their choice, select Submit and OK.
  1. If a Comment is beneficial select the comment box below the day in which a comment is needed, type in text, and select Add Comment.
    • Comments, once entered, cannot be altered or removed.
    • If utilizing sick leave, please provide a brief explanation as to the reason for the leave.
    • Template comments for sick leave can be found here.

Note: Time is processed periodically, but at a minimum overnight.  Time entered may not be visible to the employee or supervisor in other screens until the overnight processing has occurred.

  1. Select the Submit button.
  2. An Employee Affirmation message displays.
  3. Select the OK button

  1. Time will be processed each pay period and sent to the employee’s supervisor for approval (if it is a TRC that needs approval).


If you have any questions, please email cbcpayroll@columbiabasin.edu



Article ID: 137325
Thu 3/31/22 6:12 PM
Thu 6/23/22 11:08 AM