Overtime Exempt - How to Submit an Absence Request


Purpose:  Use this guide for submitting leave requests, which are now known as absence requests in ctcLink.

Audience: Overtime-Exempt Employees


Purpose:  Use this guide for submitting leave requests, which are now known as absence requests in ctcLink.


Audience: Overtime-Exempt Employees


Note:  Nothing has changed regarding your salaried employment with the College and submission of absences in half or whole day requests, whichever applies.  A day for the purpose of processing absence continues to be 8-hours, so half-day is 4-hours.  Again, this is not a change from TLR since salaried employment is not a time-clock accounting of time worked.


Go to Employee Self Service

Employee Self Service page


Click on the Time Tile



Click on Request Absence Tile



Once you are in Request Absence, select the absence type (if you don’t know what to choose, contact HR for help).



After choosing the absence reason, choose the start and end date.  There can be full and partial day absence requests.


Example 1: You can choose multiple full days only if they are identical shift hours. If the hours vary or fall between work weeks, you must put in separate requests. This is especially true for partial day requests (see Example 2 below).




Once you are finished, click the Submit button on the top right of the screen.


Example 2: Submitting a Partial Day Absence Request


First, click on the words “Partial Days.” It is a hot link even though it’s not underlined (actually the whole row is the link).



      The following box opens up:



Click on “Partial Days” dropdown then click on Start Day Only, End Day Only or All days.



Click Done and Submit.



Note:  Any absence requests that are not submitted in whole day (8-hours) or half-day (4-hours) increments will be pushed back to the employee for correction.


If you have any questions, please contact cbcpayroll@columbiabasin.edu.                                                                                                



Article ID: 137673
Mon 4/25/22 12:56 PM
Thu 6/23/22 11:09 AM