Purpose: This guide is for viewing and editing submitted “time worked” in ctcLink for Overtime-Eligible Employees you supervise.
Audience: All Supervisors of Time Reporting Employees
Note: If time worked entries are incorrect, contact the employee to adjust and resubmit their time worked for that day. A new feature in ctcLink allows supervisors to make changes to their employee time submissions. This feature should only be used when the employee is unable to make the change on their own behalf or there isn’t sufficient time for that to occur given payroll deadline or other circumstances such as absence or other inability. For questions or assistance, please contact the Human Resources Office.
- Sign into ctcLink and click on HCM Self-Service on the left side of the screen.

- Go to your Employee Self Service drop down centered at the top of the page. Click on Employee Self Service to switch to Manager Self Service.
- The Manager Self Service page will display. Click the Team Time tile.

- The Team Time page will display. Click Time Summary from the left side menu. Use the Filter button to search for a particular employee by name.

- After selecting the employee whose timesheet you want to view, the Time Summary for that employee will be displayed.
Note: Before approving time entries for the pay period, verify that the total “Scheduled” hours matches the total “Reported” hours.
- Select the Actions button in the lower right corner to make edits to an employee’s time entry.

- Select the Actions button in the lower right corner to make edits to an employee’s time entry.

Note: After editing an employee’s time entry, click the Submit button. The edited time entry will then be routed for approval, so after the time entry is processed, you will need to approve the edited time.
If you have any questions, please email