Withdrawing a Travel Authorization before Approval


Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to withdraw a Travel Authorization in ctcLink prior to approval. You can use this guide if you need to edit your form after it has been submitted. However, if your form has been approved by even one person this option will not appear, at that point you can personally reach out to the next approver and request that they Send Back the form to you. Fully approved forms cannot be changed.

Audience: All staff


PREREQUISITES: Must have a Travel Authorization that is in In Process status and has not been approved by anyone in the route of approvals. You must be authorized to edit travel documents for the traveler even if the you are the traveler.

Navigation route: NavBar > Navigator > Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > Travel Authorizations > View

  1. The Travel Authorization search page displays.


  1. Enter the Authorization ID if known, or use the drop down to search by your ctcLink Empl ID and look at all your submitted Travel Authorization forms.


  1. Select Search.


  1. Once the Search Results display, select the Empl ID hyperlinks for the Travel Authorization you want to withdraw, this will open up the View Travel Authorization page. If you only have one Travel Authorization in the system the form will open up when you click Search.



  1. The View Travel Authorization page displays. Here you can see the status of your report at any given time and if the option is available, you can also Withdraw your form



  1. Confirm the Report status = Submitted for Approval.


  1. Select Withdraw Travel Authorization.


  1. A confirmation message will alert you that your Travel Authorization has been withdrawn from the approver’s queue.



  1. Optional: Select Refresh Approval Status until Report status changes to Pending and you see a new entry under Approval History.


  1. If you need to revise and resubmit follow the “Modify Returned or Saved Travel Authorizations” guide to navigate back into the form.


  1. If the form was made in error and/or is no longer needed, follow the “Deleting Travel Authorizations” guide to delete the form.


  1. Process complete.



Article ID: 147651
Thu 8/11/22 2:19 PM
Thu 8/11/22 2:20 PM