How to add or modify your ctcLink MFA options


This article covers how to add and/or modify your MFA options within ctcLink. Specifically, this will walk you through adding the Okta Verify option. You can use this article to add a new cell phone and remove an old one, as well.


1. Go to ( NOT

2. Login using your ctcLink credentials.  You may be asked to confirm using Multifactor authentication (MFA) options presented, please do so.

Picture of ctcLink password entry page


3. Choose the Password Settings tile

Picture of ctcLink settings page with circle around password settings


4. This presents your various MFA security options on the right side.  To add the Okta verify app option, choose the "Set up", or "Set up another" button

Picture of MFA options page with circle around set up another next to Okta Verify


5. You will be asked to verify your MFA again before proceeding.

Picture of MFA verification page


6. This screen shows you the option you chose and to allow you to choose to back out or to setup.  Choose the Set Up button.

Picture of MFA security methods page with circle around Set Up button


7. The next screen gives instructions on how to download and setup the app on your phone.  Follow those directions.

Picture of download instruction page for Okta Verify app


Once setup, this option can be chosen at any time from the MFA verification screen.

8. From here, just sign out and go back to for the usual experience.

Picture of name clicked in upper right corner and sign out selected



Article ID: 153107
Wed 1/11/23 10:42 AM
Mon 1/27/25 11:24 AM