Please note, that the look may slightly change depending on changes in office and color themes used for background. Using the Desktop versions of Outlook is preferred as sometimes the online version does not fully work.
For Office 2019
- Open up outlook desktop app
- Click the calendar icon

- Under the Home tab in calendar, navigate to the Manage Calendars section. In the Manage Calendars is the a button with + Add Calendar.
- Click the + Add Calendar
- Choose the Open Shared Calendar option

- A pop-up window will appear

- If you were told what the back end name to use by Technology Services, then type in the name of the calendar. Example: deptcal Please skip to step 11
- If you were not told the name to use by Technology Services, then you can click the name button.
- A new search menu pop-up window will appear and search by one of the words in the friendly name of the calendar. If you are having issues finding the calendar, please contact Technology Services for assistance adding the calendar.
- Once you found it, click ok in the search menu pop-up.
- Click ok in the pop-up once the calendar has been added
- The calendar will be added into outlook, and may take 15 seconds for the calendar to be added with syncing
- If you are missing permissions to see or edit the calendar, please contact your supervisor that you are approved to have a certain level of access so it can be added.
For Office 365
- Open up outlook desktop app
- Click the calendar icon

- Click the +Add button

- Drop down menu will appear
- Choose the Open Shared Calendar option

- A pop-up window will appear

- If you were told what the back end name to use by Technology Services, then type in the name of the calendar. Example: deptcal Please skip to step 11
- If you were not told the name to use by Technology Services, then you can click the name button.
- A new search menu pop-up window will appear and search by one of the words in the friendly name of the calendar. If you are having issues finding the calendar, please contact Technology Services for assistance adding the calendar.
- Once you found it, click ok in the search menu pop-up.
- Click ok in the pop-up once the calendar has been added
- The calendar will be added into outlook, and may take 15 seconds for the calendar to be added with syncing
- If you are missing permissions to see or edit the calendar, please contact your supervisor that you are approved to have a certain level of access so it can be added.
For Outlook Online
Go to outlook online (CBC branded: or Microsoft: or can get into outlook through the CBC website with the email option in the right hand corner drop-down menu.
On the left side menu choose calendar.

Hit "Add Calendar" at the bottom of the simple month calendar on the left side and a pop-up will appear.

Choose "Add from Directory" on the left menu and In the drop down menu, choose your email account to add the shared account.

Enter in the back end calendar name or search by the friendly name of the calendar. It will show up in the suggestions, and if you don't see it please contact Technology Services for assistance.

Click the correct account from the list of suggestions
Choose to save it on "My Calendars", "People's Calendars", or "Other Calendars" groups. It does not matter which one you choose, and is more your preference for organizing calendars.

Click the "Add" button after it turns from a gray color to a blue button
Close the pop-up window in the top right corner with a close window after the calendar has been added.
The calendar will be visible in the list of calendars to choose from on the left under the monthly calendar view.
If you are missing permissions to see or edit the calendar, please contact your supervisor that you are approved to have a certain level of access so it can be added.
If you come across any issues, please contact Technology Services for assistance.