This article will cover how to connect a CBC-provided monitor (new in the box) to your home computer or CBC-provided laptop or mobile device. You will need a HDMI connection on your home or CBC-provided mobile device to utilize the connections shown. If you are a different connection port, please contact the IS Helpdesk via email or at the phone numbers at the bottom of this page.
- "Build" the monitor by connecting the base as shown in the instructions included in the box (highlighted in red below).

- Once the monitor is standing on its base, connect the power cord to the monitor and plug the other end into power.
- Connect an HDMI cable to the monitor. The HDMI cable is provided separately from the monitor and looks like this:

4. Plug the HDMI cable into the corresponding slot on the back of the monitor (notice the shape):

5. Finally, plug the other end of the cable into the laptop. If you have a regular CBC-provided laptop, it will look something like this. Your port may be located on the side or the back of your computer. If you do not have this type of port available, please contact the IS Helpdesk via email or the phone number below for assistance.