PLEASE NOTE: Due to recent phone system updates, this article is no longer valid.
Please email and request the feature. That request will get routed to the phone support team to have the feature added for your extension.
Setting up voicemail to email - Outlook 2019
- Shut down any Outlook clients running on your desktop.
- From Windows search bar, start typing in the text “control panel”. You should see the results shown below. Select the result “Control Panel”.

- For customers running Windows 10, locate the entry “Mail (Microsoft Outlook 2016) as shown immediately below. For customers running Windows 11, locate the entry “Mail (Microsoft Outlook) as shown, second one shown below. Double click on it.
Windows 10 customers:

Windows 11 customers:

- You should see the mail settings window open up. Select “Email Accounts…” as shown below.

- The “Email Accounts” window should open up. Select the “New…” button as shown below.

- You should have the “Auto Account Setup” window open. Make sure that you select “Manual setup or additional server types” as shown below. Once you have selected “Manual setup…” then click on “Next”.

- You should see the “Choose Your Account Type” window open up. Select “POP or IMAP” as shown below. Then click on “Next”.

- You should see the window “POP and IMAP Account Settings” open up as shown below.

- Carefully fill in the boxes with the correct information. Be sure to check your spelling. Note that in my example, in the box labeled “Email Address:” that what you see on the screen is clipped. The FULL address is: .
Values you need to enter:
“Your Name:” <enter your first name here>
“Email Address:” <enter the four digits of YOUR extension followed by> Make sure there are no spaces anywhere in the string you enter. In my example, the string is the correct entry for my extension.
“Account Type:” <select IMAP from the list>
“Incoming mail server:” <enter the server name>
“Outgoing mail server:” <enter the server name>
“User Name:” <fill in YOUR four digit extension> With no spaces or other characters – this frequently will try to auto fill in with your extension followed by the server name – please check carefully and make sure ONLY your four digit extension is listed.
“Password:” <enter your numeric voicemail passcode, note it is NOT your Windows domain login password>
Make sure the box “Remember password” is checked.
Make sure that the “Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)” is not checked.
Click on the “More Settings…” button. Do NOT click on “Next…” at this time.

- The following window “Internet Email Settings” should open up with three tabs. The default tab should be “General”. Fill in the box under “Mail Account” with a user-friendly name such as your four-digit extension followed by “Voicemail”. Do not leave it with the auto generated information that contains the “@” character. Do not use the “@” character in your user-friendly name. Leave the other two boxes empty. See the example below. Once you have this filled in, click on the “Outgoing Server” tab.

- You should see the following as shown below. Verify that “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication” box is NOT checked. Click on the “Advanced” tab.

- You should see the following as shown below. It should default to the values and selections shown below, but check carefully and correct any entries not matching what is below. Once everything is verified as correct, click on “OK”.

- In the “Add Account” window, click on the “Next” button. It should open a dialog window where it is testing the account settings. It should finish reasonably quickly (less than a minute), looking like the example below. If your test passed without errors, click on the “Close” button. If the test does not complete correctly, go back and check all of your settings to be sure you have everything entered correctly. If you still continue to have issues, contact IS Help for assistance.

- You should see the following result from “Add Account”. Make sure the box “Set up Outlook Mobile on my phone, too” is NOT checked. Click on the “Finish” button. Click the “Close” button in the “Account Settings” window. Click on “Finish”. Close any other windows that remain open associated with adding your voicemail account.

- Re-open your Outlook 2019 client.
On the left hand side of the Outlook window, scroll down and you should find an entry for the mailbox you just created for your voicemail. See the example below.

- Place a test call or two to your extension and leave a message. Make sure you are familiar how to retrieve voicemail from Outlook and how to listen to it.
If you have issues, questions, or concerns, please contact our help desk crew at:
- By Phone: X2353 (on campus or softphone)
- By Phone: 509-542-5553 (off campus direct dial)
- By mail:
- In Person: T-504