Student Technology

As a student of CBC, you have access to many technology services during our current remote operations.

Laptop Loans

Currently registered students can checkout laptops through the Library. These checkouts are for one month. Visit "How do I borrow a laptop?" on the library's webpage to learn how to reserve one!


Printing is available using your NetPrint account on both Richland and Pasco campuses. Touchless printing is available downstairs in the H building in Pasco, and in the HSC 1st floor lobby and MSC student lounge (MSC 304) in Richland. Visit this related knowledge base article on How to Print using NetPrint.  

Note: Hours of access

  • H Building access hours are Monday through Thursday: 6:00 am to 7:30 pm and Friday: 6:00 am to 3:00 pm
  • Richland printing at HSC and MSC are the same as the building access hours


Technology Support at the Student Help Desk

Whether you are looking for help finding technology resources, installing Office on your computer or troubleshooting a technical issue, the Student Helpdesk is here for you. Email or call us at 509-543-1445 for assistance Monday through Thursday 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, and Friday 7:00 to Noon.  You can also come in person to the Library for assistance.  You may also find answers in our Student Support Knowledge Base.


Helpful CBC Remote Learning Videos


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