How to use Zoom for Outlook Calendar Add-on in Outlook 2019

This article follows the steps to utize the built-in Zoom Add-on for Outlook 2019, which is the current version used by CBC systems.

1. Open up Outlook.

2. Click on Calendar at the bottom left of your window.

3. Click on the new meeting option towards the top right.

4. A pop-up for the meeting will open up

5. Zoom has a section, and in the section is a settings gear as highlighted where you can sign into your Zoom account using SSO authentication method.

6. Enter in columbiabasin for the company domain

7. Enter in your credentials in the pop up

8. Once the linkage is done can click the Add a Zoom Meeting button for a quick meeting or click the Zoom Settings wheel for advanced options.

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Mon 8/1/22 1:16 PM
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