Online version of outlook does not automatically display shared email inboxes that you have access to like the desktop version of outlook.
1. Go to (CBC branded portal, but will also work as well)
2. Hover over the Folders section in the left menu until three dots "..." appear
3. Click the three dots
4. Choose the "Add shared folder or mailbox" option

5. A pop-up will appear

6. Enter in the shared inbox that you want to add. Microsoft will try to help as you type, and if it finds the inbox you are wanting you can select it. Otherwise, type out the entire and hit enter once finished
7. Can repeat step 6 if desired to add multiple at once
8. Once finished, the "Add" button will turn colors from grayed out to a blue color indicating that the email address is entered in correctly.
9. Hit the blue colored "Enter" button
10. The shared inbox will now appear in the left column menu. If needed, expand the shared inbox by hitting the carrot ">" to expand the folders
11. If desired to remove from the menu (does not remove your access), simply hover over shared inbox name until the three dots "..." appear. Click the three dots and select the "Remove shared folder" option to remove it from your online outlook menu.
If you have any questions or issues please contact the Technology Services helpdesk for assistance.