If you are needing help adding signing fields to your document, please follow this article before proceeding: https://cbc.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1860/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=86482
Request Signatures
Check Status
To request signatures, open up your document in Adobe Acrobat DC
1. In the right menu, choose request E-signatures. A pointer will appear allowing you to select or drop a signature box onto the page.

2. A pop-up will appear asking you to enter in a recipients email address(s).
3. Select the box that you would like signed and hit send

4. Once it is sent, the recipients will receive a message from Adobe sign with a request to sign.
To check the status of current documents, there are a few ways to do so.
1. Can go to the Adobe online website with this link: https://na1.documents.adobe.com/public/agreements
2. In Adobe Acrobat DC can click the E-Sign option in the top menu, and choose Manage All Agreements to be taken to the Adobe page to check the status.
3. In Adobe Acrobat DC on the Home page can choose under the Agreements options in the left menu to open up Adobe Acrobat Sign.