Once MFA is enabled on your CBC Microsoft account, here's what to expect the first time you sign in.
Existing Students With Phone Numbers or Alternate Emails
If you have previously configured a phone number or an alternate email, you'll be prompted to verify your identity by either having Microsoft call, text or email you and providing a verification code:

If you're on a private device, you can check "Don't ask again for 60 days" to not be prompted again for 60 days. Note that you will still be prompted if you sign in from a new device or location.
If you would like to add, delete or change your authentication methods, sign in at https://aka.ms/mfasetup. To change, click "Change" next to the method you'd like to change and follow the prompts to update it. To add, click "Add sign-in method", then choose one of the available sign-in methods:

Follow on-screen prompts to configure your chosen authentication method.
New or Existing Students Who Haven't Added a Phone Number or Alternate Email
If you're a new student who just got their account or you've never added a phone number/email to your account, you'll be prompted to do so when you sign in:

Click Next and you'll be prompted to enter a phone number. Check "Receive a code" if it's a cell phone or check "Call me" if it's not a cell phone or you prefer to verify via a phone call.

If you prefer to use a different authentication method, click "I want to set up a different method" and choose one the methods available:

Follow the prompts to configure and verify your chosen authentication method.
Additional Help
If you run into any issues or require additional help, please contact us at tshelp@columbiabasin.edu or call 509-542-5553