Outlook comes with a handy tool to assist with setting up meetings and calendar events. To access this tool, you have a couple of options:
You can either go to the calendar, or reply directly to any email with a meeting request.
If you go the calendar:

Select either new meeting or appointment. Appointments are generally only for you, and meetings will require others to attend.
Once you select a meeting:

First, select the required attendees (you can also select these people in the scheduler). Then select the scheduling assistant.
On the scheduling assistant, there are a few ways to find an appropriate time:

You can let Outlook find the next available time, use the calendar function to find open times, or set your own start and end times using the boxes at the top. Once a time is chosen, you can return the meeting description to edit the description to something you would like by selecting the Meeting tab at the top.
Should you have chosen to reply to an email with a meeting, the description and attendees will be filled out automatically:

You can still choose to change any of that normally, should you wish.