Use these instructions to Connect to your CBC Desktop computer using VPN (Virtual Private Networking) from Off-campus.
VPN allows you to access all of your online campus resources by connecting to your office desktop – as if you never left! These instruction walk you through installing and connecting to the CBC network on your personal home computer or a CBC loaner.
What you Need before Starting
1. To receive VPN privledges, you must request access by submitting a Request for VPN Access eForm to your supervisor. Once the approval process is complete, TS will assign permissions to your account.
2. To connect to your CBC desktop computer, you must obtain the name of your computer before leaving campus. To find this, your can do one of the following:
- Search for Control Panel, then click on the System icon, or
- Open File Explorer and in the left pane, right-click This PC and select Properties. Write down the Full Computer Name value (i.e. IS-A1200.arda.cbc).
IMPORTANT: Write your computer name down for reference. You will need this at later.
2. Your office computer must be on with sleep mode disabled.
3. Your CBC login information (the same as your computer login).
4. A home computer to connect from. This can be a CBC issued laptop, CBC loaned laptop, or it can be your personal computer.
Downloading and Installing the VPN Client (One Time Only
- Use your favorite web browser and go to
- Log in with your normal CBC computer account credentials.

- Click the link to download the appropriate Global Protect Client for your system.
- For Windows click “Download Windows 64 bit GlobalProtect agent”
- For Mac click “Download Mac 32/64 bit GlobalProtect agent”
- Install the agent.
Connecting to VPN
- Open the Global Protect VPN Client through one of the following methods:
- Through the Start Menu type or find the “Global Protect” application.
- Through the task bar find the Global Protect icon.

- If a Newer version of Client is Available, Click Yes to Download.
- In the portal address field enter “” and click Connect.

- Enter your CBC computer account credentials and click Connect.
- The Global Connect application will disappear into the taskbar.
Connecting to your CBC Desktop
- After your Global Protect has been connected, log into your work computer using the Windows 10 Remote Desktop Connection application.
- To find it, click on the Windows start logo and type Remote Desktop Connection. If that does not find it, do the following:
- Go to Start Menu > All Programs (Scroll Down) > Windows Accessories folder > Remote Desktop Connection.
- In the What you Need before Starting section above, you obtained your CBC computer name. Enter the Full Computer Name you are connecting to in the Computer field.
- Expand the Show Options arrow and enter "arda\" followed by your username (i.e. should be arda\jsmith). Note: this is the backslash key "\" above the Enter key, not the slash as in Click Connect.
- You are working on your office computer while in this application.
- To Disconnect from Remote Desktop Connection, click X in upper right corner of Remote Desktop Connection window. Then click OK to disconnect.

Disconnecting VPN
- Open the VPN Client through one of the following methods:
- Through the start Menu type or find the “Global Protect” Desktop agent
- Through the task bar find the Global Protect agent icon

- Click Disconnect