Purpose: This guide is for approving time worked submitted by Overtime-Eligible, Temporary Hourly and Student Employees. In ctcLink this is called approving Payable Time.
Audience: All Supervisors of Time Reporting Employees
Note: When time worked is submitted by an employee, it will be processed by the system overnight, and the supervisor will receive a request to approve it in the system. Before the payroll deadline, the employee can update and resubmit their times worked. Supervisors only need to approve one time at the end of the pay period. (ctcLink uses the term “manager,” while certain CBC documents and policies use the term “supervisor.”)
- Sign into ctcLink and click on HCM Self-Service on the left side of the screen.

- Go to your Employee Self Service drop down centered at the top of the page. Click on Employee Self Service to switch to Manager Self Service.
- The Manager Self Service page will display. Click the Approvals tile.
- The Pending Approvals page will display. Click Payable Time on the left panel.
- Select the employee who needs time approved. The filter button may be used to locate a specific employee.

Note: There is a process that runs periodically (often overnight) that sends employee time entries to supervisors for approval. As a result, you may be able to view an employee’s time entries the same day they submit them, but you may not be able to approve them until the following day after the process has run.
6. The Payable Time page will display.
7. Review submitted time for accuracy of both hours in the Quantity column and time codes in the Time Reporting Code column. You can click on individual lines to see details of that line. If you want to review the employee’s timesheet in the full timesheet view before approving, see “How to View and Edit Payable Time.
You can either select individual lines to approve or check the box above the Select column to select all lines.
Important: The system will not prevent employees from using vacation before exhausting their Comp time balance. When an employee requests vacation, please check their comp time balance prior to approving, and instruct them to use comp time first if they have a balance.
8. When you have selected all lines to be approved, click Approve in the upper right corner. If any lines cannot currently be approved, contact the employee to adjust and re-submit their time for those days. If you are unable to contact the employee, the supervisor may edit the employee’s timesheet; see “How to View and Edit Payable Time.”
Important: Do not use the Deny button or the employee will not be paid for those days without a manual override from Human Resources staff.

Notes on Time Reporting Codes:
- Normally, most employees will only report Regular (01 REG) time. For full-time overtime-eligible employees, overtime that is pre-approved by the supervisor should also be entered as Regular time; the system will automatically calculate the overtime when the timesheet is processed. In the supervisor view, there will be a row to approve for the regular time for the day, and an additional row for the overtime for that day.
- Holiday pay will be calculated by the system and automatically applied. Any row using HOL - Holiday Pay has been calculated by the system and should be approved.
- If compensatory time is preferred by an employee (instead of paid overtime) and has been approved by the supervisor, 02 CTE - Compensatory Time Earned should be used.
- If an employee is using compensatory time, 03 CMP - Compensatory Time Taken should be reported here as well, not as an absence. For questions about compensatory time, contact the Human Resources Office.
- 04 SOV - Straight Overtime should only be used by employees whose assigned work schedule is less than 40 hours a week to report hours worked over their normal schedule up to 40 hours.
- The remaining time codes (Holiday Worked, Call Back Pay, Standby Pay and Suspended Operations) should only be used in limited conditions with supervisor pre-approval. These codes are normally used only by employees in Public Safety and Facilities.
If you have any questions, please email cbcpayroll@columbiabasin.edu.