Resetting your ctcLink Password
Purpose: This article is a guide showing the steps for self help assistance to resetting your ctcLink password if your ctcLink Employee ID is known. If it not known, please reach out to HR, your pillar lead or contact, or the IS Helpdesk to assist in looking up your ctcLink ID.
Audience: All Employees / Students
There are three ways to self help reset your password in ctcLink
- Navigate to the ctcLink Sign In page ( or (
- Select the Reset Password link

- Enter your ctcLink ID
- Two options to reset your password become available in the Reset Password screen that appears
- Reset via Phone
- Reset via Email

For this example, we will reset via Text…
- Select the Phone option

- Selecting the "Receive a code via SMS" option prompts the ctcLink system to send your preferred phone number (set in the contact details of ctcLink) a Verification Code to enter.

- If you do not receive a code in a couple minutes, you can select to Re-send the code to try to get the verification code again. Or select Didn’t receive a code: Reset via email link below the verify button to reset the password that way
- Once the verification code is entered correctly, a new window will open to enter your new password and confirm it.
- Password requirements:
- At least 8 characters
- A lowercase letter
- An uppercase letter
- A number
- Does not include any part of your first name
- Does not include any part of your last name
- Your password cannot be any of your last 4 passwords

- Enter a new password, repeat the password to confirm and select reset password to reset the password.
- You should now be able to go back and sign in with your ctcLink ID and new password
The second option shown is the Reset via Voice Call button

- This will open a browser window and prompt ctcLink system to call with a verification code to enter
- Enter the verification code into the Enter Code box in the window and select the Verify button

- A new window will open in your browser to enter your new password and confirm it.
- Password requirements:
- At least 8 characters
- A lowercase letter
- An uppercase letter
- A number
- Does not include any part of your first name
- Does not include any part of your last name
- Your password cannot be any of your last 4 passwords

- Enter a new password, repeat the password to confirm and select reset password to reset the password.
- You should now be able to go back and sign in with your ctcLink ID and new password
If either the voice call option above or the text method were not working, and/or after selecting to use the Reset via Email
- An email from Okta to reset your password will be sent to your CBC email with an option to reset your email.
- In the email, please select the Reset Passord button in the body of the email.

- Selecting the reset password button in the email has set the option to notify the ctcLink system
- A new window will open in your browser to enter your new password and confirm it.
- Password requirements:
- At least 8 characters
- A lowercase letter
- An uppercase letter
- A number
- Does not include any part of your first name
- Does not include any part of your last name
- Your password cannot be any of your last 4 passwords

- Enter a new password, repeat the password to confirm and select reset password to reset the password.
- You should now be able to go back and sign in with your ctcLink ID and new password