Setting up a Transportation ID

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Employee Self Service > Travel and Expenses > Review/ Edit Profile

  1. The Employee Profile (Edit) page displays.

  1. Select the forward arrow to reveal more options in the available tabs.


  1. Select the Transportation Information tab.

  1. Use the Transportation Information page to review, add, delete, or modify transportation type data for an employee.

  1. Use the Transportation ID field to enter a description of the transportation type. After you enter the transportation ID, you may not edit it. If you need to change the name of this field, you can delete the line and re-enter a new one, providing that there are no miles associated with it.


  1. Use the Transportation Type field to enter the transportation category.  There are 3 transportation types configured for ctcLink: Auto, Cycle, Plane. Enter AUTO as the Transportation Type.


  1. Use the Date Acquired field to enter the date that the employee acquired the vehicle. You may not edit this field after any miles are accrued for the transportation ID. Enter Date Acquired.


  1. Use the Status Date field to enter the date when the employee received a transportation type. This date determines the availability of transportation IDs on the drop-down list on the report.


  1. Select Save.


  1. Process complete.