Popular Services

General IT issues, not yet defined. Anything you are unsure of, please select this service.

Hardware troubleshooting, peripheral installs, computer installs

Tickets for ctcLink related issues.

General software support (Microsoft products, Adobe products, Symantec, etc.)

This is for general lab requests.

Email issues in general

Use this form to submit a request for a guest account for a person without a Columbia Basin College single sign-on account whom you need to provide with access to the Canvas learning management system.

Service to request quotes on hardware/software.

All 'administrative computing' software, including Data Express, HP-UNIX, byRequest, FAM)

Send a help request for Canvas, Panopto, Proctorio, ReadSpeaker (TextAid), and other ed tech apps.

This is for scheduling COW cart requests.

Send a help request for Canvas, Panopto, Proctorio, ReadSpeaker (TextAid), and other ed tech apps.

Service to request data from Technology Services ONLY.

For issues around WCTCS

This is for all telephone related requests.

Service for getting TS Media coverage for an event.

Support request for web applications, NOT Access Databases.

Complete one (1) form per student to set up extended access to a Canvas course—beyond the Canvas term end date—for the student and for yourself as instructor. This form is used in the case of incompletes and similar situations.

Support request for any mobile device.

Use this form to submit a request to designate a Canvas course as a Blueprint Course. A Blueprint Course is a template course used to sync content to other courses.

For issues with Access databases.

File Share Creation, File Share rights, Account Creation, Account Information Updates, Creation and Management of Security Groups, Creation and Management of email distribution groups and shared resources, etc.

This is to document VLAN changes on ports of the the various network switches throught campus.

Canvas is the learning management system for Columbia Basin College. Canvas Global Announcements provide students, faculty, and staff with timely information related to academic and other important campus community matters.

To reduce the information burden on Canvas users, announcements should be brief, clear, and timely. Requests will be reviewed and a response provided within 3 business days. Please note, however, that the request process may require further clarification and confirmation with you, which can take time. Please submit your request as early as possible to ensure your announcement meets your intended start date. Announcements on behalf of student organizations and clubs should be submitted by the advisor or other related CBC employee.

We reserve the right to revise the requested announcement content for brevity and clarity to reduce the information burden on Canvas users.