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Use this form to submit a request to designate a Canvas course as a Blueprint Course. A Blueprint Course is a template course used to sync content to other courses.

Complete one (1) form per student to set up extended access to a Canvas course—beyond the Canvas term end date—for the student and for yourself as instructor. This form is used in the case of incompletes and similar situations.

Use this form to submit a merge request for multiple sections of the same class in Canvas. Canvas Courses can be merged when: (a) multiple sections of the same class normally meet together, or (b) classes are cross-listed in the College course catalog. For other instances, use the Canvas Blueprint Course Request form instead.

Use this form to submit a request for a guest account for a person without a Columbia Basin College single sign-on account whom you need to provide with access to the Canvas learning management system.

Send a help request for Canvas, Panopto, Proctorio, ReadSpeaker (TextAid), and other ed tech apps.