Navigation route: NavBar > Navigator > Travel and Expenses > Expense Reports > Create/Modify
- The Expense Report search page displays.
- Select the Find an Existing Value tab.

- The Find an Existing Value tab displays. Enter a Search Criteria, you can search by your Empl ID (ctcLink ID), or the Report ID if you know it.

- Select the Search button.
- The Search Results display. If you have multiple Expense Report forms, select the one you want to continue working on/ revise by clicking on any of the hyperlinks. If you only have one Expense Report in the system the form will open up when you click Search.

- The Modify Expense Report page displays.

- If you are modifying the budget, expand the Accounting Details to expose the ChartFields

A full budget contains:
Oper Unit: Always 7190.
Account: The Account is a seven-digit number previously referred to as a Sub Object, this value will default automatically based on the Expense Type you select. A lot of the ones in the system default into a travel-related Account, for this reason, please use the “Common Expense Accounts Used” reference tool in conjunction to ensure your reimbursement is coming out of the appropriate Account.
Approp (Appropriation Index): Not all budgets will have an Approp
Dept: By default there will be a Dept code here start with a “9” this is not your budget’s Dept code, please ensure you enter the appropriate code here as well.
State Purpose: Always N.
Grant budgets will also require:
PC Bus Unit: Always WA190
Please reach out to Budget Services or Travel for assistance in obtaining your budget.
- Use the Add a New Row [+] icon to create additional lines or the Delete a Row [-] icon to remove lines.
- Click on Save for Later to save your changes.
- If you are ready to submit your Expense Report select Summary and Submit to complete the submission.
- Select the checkbox to certify that the expenses submitted are accurate and comply with expense policies.
- Select Submit Expense Report.

- The Expense Report Submit Confirmation page displays.
- Select OK.

- Process complete.