With MFA being enabled for ctclink, when you log into your ctclink account, you will receive one or more additional prompts after the initial login.
Note – On the initial login prompt, you can check the box ‘Keep me signed in’ and this will keep you signed in for up to 16 hours as long as you do not close your browser or the ctclink tab in your browser.

After entering your initial ctclink credentials and clicking on the [Sign In] button, you will get the ‘Security Method’ prompt. Within this prompt, you will be provided a list of the MFA options you have configured. Select one of those options to complete your connection to ctclink. Each option will be detailed on the following pages.

If you installed the Okta Verify app on your phone, you can elect to have a 6-digit code sent to your cell phone. Check your Okta Verify app and enter that code in the field provided. If you want to use a different MFA option, click on the ‘Verify with something else’ link

With the Okta Verify App, you can also elect to have it do a ‘push’ to your cell phone. Your phone will receive a push signal from Okta and you would tap on the [Yes, it’s Me] button presented in the Okta Verify app screen on your cell phone. You can check the ‘Send push automatically’ if you want to use this method as your default MFA authentication for ctclink. You can click on the ‘Verify with something else’ link if you want to use a different option.

If you want to verify with a phone, there are two options. One would be to receive and SMS txt message, and one would be to receive a phone call. To receive a text message, click on the [Receive a code via SMS] button. You will receive a 6-digit code. Enter that code and click on [Verify].

To receive a voice call, click on the ‘Receive a voice call instead’ link which is directly below the [Receive a code via SMS] button. You will receive a voice call where a 5-digit number will be recited twice. Enter that code in the field provided and click [Verify].

For those who have elected to use the YubiKey security device, you will receive two prompts. The second will be a gray box where you are prompted to [Touch your security key.] Touch the sensor on your Yubikey to confirm. Note – the YubiKey security device must be inserted into a USB port on the computer you are using prior to starting the ctclink login process.