Modifying Travel Authorizations

Navigation route:  NavBar > Navigator > Employee Self Service > Travel and Expenses > Travel Authorizations > Create/Modify

  1. The Travel Authorization search page displays.


  1. Select the Find an Existing Value tab.

  1. The Find an Existing Value tab displays. Select a Search By type and value in the drop-down menu. You can narrow your search down by entering the Authorization ID, if known, or your Empl ID (ctcLink ID).


  1. Select the Search button.


  1. The Search Results display. If you have multiple Travel Authorization forms, select the one you want to continue working on/ revise by clicking on any of the hyperlinks. If you only have one Travel Authorization in the system the form will open up when you click Search.


  1. The Modify Travel Authorization page displays.


  1. If you are modifying the budget, expand the Accounting Details to expose the ChartFields.


A full budget contains:

Oper Unit: Always 7190.

Account: The Account is a seven-digit number previously referred to as a Sub Object, this value will default automatically based on the Expense Type you select. A lot of the ones in the system default into a travel-related Account, for this reason, please use the “Common Expense Accounts Used” reference tool in conjunction to ensure your reimbursement is coming out of the appropriate Account.


Approp (Appropriation Index): Not all budgets will have an Approp

Dept:: By default there will be a Dept code here start with a “9” this is not your budget’s Dept code, please ensure you enter the appropriate code here as well.


State Purpose: Always N.

Grant budgets will also require:

PC Bus Unit: Always WA190



Please reach out to Budget Services or Travel for assistance in obtaining your budget.


  1. Use the Add a New Row [+] icon to create additional lines or Delete a Row [-] icon to remove lines.


  1. Select Save for Later to save your changes.


  1. If you are ready to submit your Travel Authorization select Summary and Submit to complete the submission.
    1. Select the checkbox to certify that the expenses submitted are accurate and comply with expense policies.
    2. Select Submit Travel Authorization.

  1. The Travel Authorization Submit Confirmation page displays.
  2. Select OK.


Process complete.

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Article ID: 147641
Thu 8/11/22 10:20 AM
Thu 8/11/22 10:20 AM